1.  His memories of Sarah were as strong as ever, but he thought of her with mixed emotions.

2.  She was the tallest of the girls, and in some ways she was as strong as a man.

3.  We begin with the argument that the evidence for a Deity might be so strong as to undermine faith.

4.  With such fundamental changes involved, a business can only be as strong as its weakest link.

5.  Commodore argues that its commitment to support a third party CDTV publishing industry is as strong as ever.

6.  She had always been as strong as the lioness Candy would insist on comparing her to.

7.  It says committment to business in Swindon will be as strong as ever.

8.  Although he missed a year and a half after reconstructive elbow surgery, Velarde is as strong as ever.

9.  Analysts cautioned, however, that second-half growth might not be as strong as in the first.

10.  And despite his affiliation with corporate Columbia Records, his grass-roots work ethic is as strong as ever.

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